Portcullis House, Westminster, 0930-1130, 19 May 2016
In this session, a team of researchers from the University of Southampton will present findings from a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council on ‘Popular Understandings of Politics in Britain, 1937-2015’. Using data from Mass Observation and various polling organisations, they will focus in particular on rising negativity towards the institutions of formal politics (politicians, parties, governments etc.). Several important questions will be addressed:
1. What is anti-politics and why does it matter?
2. How has the scope and intensity of anti-politics changed over time?
3. What explains these changes?
4. What challenges and opportunities do these developments present to politicians, parties, and policy professionals?
After the presentation, historian and MP Tristram Hunt and journalist Isabel Hardman will offer their reflections before opening up discussion to other panellists and the audience.
This event is free and open to all. We hope to have a range of participants to enliven the debate – including politicians, party staff, policy professionals, journalists, and academics.