Popular Understandings of Politics in Britain, 1937-2015

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Author Archives: UoSAnti-Politics

When will UKIP implode?

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet Gerry Stoker and Will Jennings have recently examined the relationship between populism and the surge of support for UKIP. Some claim that UKIP are fast becoming the Teflon party of British politics immune from media exposure of scandals affecting it because its base reflects a value or cultural rejection of liberal Britain and a […]

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Anti-politicsā€¦not so new?

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet Last monthā€™s YouGov poll showed that political dissatisfaction is on the rise, and is driving UKIP support. It also illustrated that anti-politics is not new. The fact that 35 per cent of respondents to a 1944 Gallup Poll felt that politicians were ā€˜out for themselvesā€™ suggests that citizens have been sceptical towards formal politics […]

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Contact Democracy: A new way of doing politics?

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet At Tuesday nightā€™s Policy Network public debate, key note speaker David Farrell praised the value of Peter Mairā€™s pessimism about formal politics excellently expressed in Ruling the Void, but went on to ask five questions which might put things in a more positive light: 1. Were things ever really better? Less exclusion of access […]

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Anti-Politics, or Popular Understandings of Politics?

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet This week, we have been considering how we might address the challenge of combining a deductive focus on anti-politics with an inductive focus on popular understandings of politics. On the one hand, the project seeks to explain the rise of anti-politics and political disengagement that appears to have taken place in Britain in recent […]

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Anti-Politics and the spread of populism

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet Gerry Stoker and Will Jennings’ previous research on anti-politics has stimulated discussion about the ‘spectre of populism’ spreading across contemporary European democracies in The New York Times, Reuters and The Irish Examiner.

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Citizens may have never been enchanted with politics, but change and decline in public attitudes are observable.

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet Last week, Gerry Stoker presented two papers that introduced a framework of analysis for developing a better understanding of public disengagement with formal politics in contemporary democracies. Speaking at UCL, Gerry pointed out that whilst citizens may have never been enchanted with politics, new insights from research showed observable change and decline in public […]

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Anti-politics: It’s not the economy, stupid; it’s you

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet In a blog for Public Policy Network, Will Jennings and Gerry Stoker have argued that the rise of anti-politics in the present is not just a symptom of a political failure on economics, but citizens’ sense of being failed by a political class that lacks the competence and strength of character to follow the […]

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Contemporary concern with anti-politics

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet Last week’s YouGov poll and official launch of the project stimulated discussion about the impact of public disengagement with formal politics in the present. The poll’s results were included in The Independent’s daily catch-up, whilst Nick Cohen suggested in The Spectator that our early research indicates the difficulty of the task that faces the […]

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Report of Initial Workshop

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet The purpose of this workshop was to introduce the project and to invite comments from participants to help guide our research over the forthcoming months. The workshop revealed an interdisciplinary concern with popular understandings of politics by bringing together political scientists, geographers, pollsters and historians In his introduction, Gerry Stoker asked participants to share […]

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Political disaffection is not new, but it is rising and driving UKIP support.

By UoSAnti-Politics |

Tweet To mark the project’s official launch, and the 70th anniversary of a Gallup poll in July 1944 that asked: ā€œDo you think that British politicians are out merely for themselves, for their party, or to do their best for their country?ā€, YouGov carried out a survey for us asking precisely the same question as […]

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